How can admins award Bonus to employees?
The Bonus feature in EngageWith is designed to make it easy for organizations to recognize and reward employees for their achievements, milestones, and hard work. Bonus feature can also be used as a way of sending Holiday Gifts to employees instead of the boring traditional ones. Employees can redeem the amount for any vouchers they like, giving them the choice to celebrate in their own way!
Here's how it works:
A. From Slack
1. Click Award a Bonus button from your Slack EngageWith App
2. Fill in all the details
Note - You can choose to send the Bonus in the channel or privately
3. Click Submit
B. From the Web Dashboard
1. Login to your EngageWith account
2. Click Bonus from the left navigation bar
3. Click Award Bonus
4. Fill the details
5. You can choose to send the Bonus instantly or at a later date.
6. Select the channel for the post
7. Click Award Bonus
8. Your message will be posted in the selected channel
You can track all the scheduled and the completed Bonus awards in the dashboard.
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