How to edit VirtualCoffee?

How to edit VirtualCoffee?

Here are the steps you can follow to edit VirtualCoffee - 

  • Open Trivia App
  • Click on VirtualCoffee from Trivia's Home Tab

  • You get to see a pop-up with all the current VirtualCoffee channels.
  • Choose the VirtualCoffee channel and select the three dots. 
    • Click on Edit

  • Edit all the required data and click Confirm.

  • You get to see a confirmation message from the Trivia. 
  • You are all set with editing the VirtualCoffee.

Once you get added to the Trivia VirtualCoffee group, DM along with your VirtualCoffee partner, take advantage of the conversation starters, or get on a call with your VirtualCoffee partner.

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