How to use shortcuts on Albus?

How to use shortcuts on Albus?


When interacting with Albus, it's important to understand how shortcuts can streamline your communication and ensure efficient responses. Whether you're asking a question or seeking assistance, utilizing shortcuts optimizes your interaction with Albus.

          1. Using Ask

  • When asking a question in the Slack channel, without tagging Albus, it won't answer your question. in a conversation.

  • Utilize the message shortcut by clicking on the three dots and choosing "Ask Albus" to interact with Albus efficiently.

Example Case:

  • Input: “What is my leave policy?"

  • Output: Albus responds with the leave policy from the wiki data.

    Step 1: Click on the “three dots”.

    Step 2: Select More Message Shortcuts

    Step 3: Select “Ask Albus”

    Step 4: Albus will answer from the wiki data.


  • 2. Using Generate Wiki Answer:

    • In this scenario, we are forcing Albus to answer using the wiki data.

Example Case:

  • Ex: "Name some Marvel movies”



  •  3. Tagging @Albus

    • If there is only one message/question in the channel, and we tag Albus in the same thread, he will go ahead and read the question and answer it.

Example Case:

  • Example: What is LSA?

  • Here we can tag Albus in the thread and retrieve the answer.


  • 4. Multiple Messages:

    • When there are multiple messages in the thread, Albus will not be able to understand, it can confuse Albus, making it difficult for it to understand the specific question.

    • To ensure clarity, it's important to pinpoint the question directly to Albus by tagging @albus in the thread.

    • For instance, instead of saying 'What do you think?' in a long thread, you could ask '@albus, what is the deadline on the project?' 

    • Albus can also summarize the complete thread, by clicking on the three dots and selecting “Summarize this thread”.

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