Integration of SpringVerify with Sprinto

Integration of SpringVerify with Sprinto


With SpringVerify and Sprinto Integration, clients can now initiate Integration by generating access tokens from SpringVerify and integrating it with Sprinto. Once the Integration is enabled, clients can sync their candidates’ Background verification reports from SpringVerify to Sprinto

Steps to Generate API Key on SpringVerify Portal:

a. Log into your SpringVerify account using your login credentials.

b. Go to your Integrations and Locate 'Sprinto’s card' and click ‘Connect’.

c. create a token by clicking on the 'Generate token' button

d. After creating an API token, click on the 'Copy' option next to the key.

e. Save the API token securely as it will be used to connect your SpringVerify account with Sprinto.

Steps to Integrate Sprinto with SpringVerify IN:

  1. Log in to Sprinto and navigate to ‘Settings’ from the menu on the left-hand side.

  2. Click on ‘Integrations’.

3. Search for SpringVerify in the search box and click on ‘Connect’.

4. Enter the API key generated on the SpringVerify portal and click on connect.  

Syncing Background Verification Reports from SpringVerify to Sprinto
  1. Add candidates on the SpringVerify portal.

  2. Once the candidate has completed the BGV (Background Verification) and the verification is done, you can sync the candidate's report to Sprinto.

  3. Log in to Sprinto.

  4. Navigate to the background verification option on the candidate's page and click 'Add Report'.

5. Now, select  'Add reports from SpringVerify (which will appear as connected)

6. Select ‘Add via SpringVerify.’

7. Select the radio button for the mapped candidate and click on 'Add'.

8. The user will receive a “SpringVerify Connection Successful” message.

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