International Check List

International Check List


Below are the international checks that we can facilitate, ensuring thorough verification for your global needs.



Documents Required


Not doable




This is doable through Digital Address Verification. However, we may face language barrier challenges for document review and calls. We are able to provide the service for English-language calls.

1. Passport, Driving License, Address proof document from government authorities
2. Rental or lease agreement, latest issued utility bill (within the last 3 months) and it should be in the candidate's name, or else a relationship proof document is required.



In most countries outside of India, companies do not provide experience letters to their employees. However, this can vary depending on the company. Some companies do issue experience letters. Any document related to the company:
1. Offer letter
2. Employment contract
3. Payslips
4. Appointment letter
5. Exit letter.

Email verifications. 

There may be a language barrier in South America and Russia because English is not commonly spoken in these countries.



Either of the following documents:
1. Degree certificate with Final year mark sheet
2. All semester mark sheets.
3. Additional requirements for a few Universities - Additional requirements for a few Universities -Hand-signed LOA- Letter of Authorization,  Letter of Authorization in University format, ID document.

No language barrier, as verification will be done through email communication.

Additional charges:
International processing fee - Applicable for all the verifications.

Pass-through fee - Applicable as per University verification charges + Transaction fee.


Not doable


Reference Check


Document not required for reference check

Additional charges:
International processing fee - Applicable for all the verifications.

Global Database Verification


Any ID proof document that has the date of birth and father’s name.

Credit Check

Not doable


Social Media Verification


The candidate has to share all social media links and also needs to accept our requests on social media

Drug Test Screening

Not doable


Passport Validation


We have a process MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) validation which checks the human-readable data on the first page of the passport and compares the data to the MRZ at the bottom of the passport

Resume Validation



Gap Check



Medical Test

Not doable


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