Which AI Model does Albus use: GPT4 or GPT 3.5 Turbo?

Which AI Model does Albus use: GPT4 or GPT 3.5 Turbo?

Albus - Your AI-powered knowledge bot for Slack - utilizes cutting-edge AI models to provide you with valuable insights and assistance.

One frequently asked question is the specific AI model on which Albus got built. Let's dive into the article and learn more:

  • At the heart of Albus lies the powerful GPT4 model, which represents a significant advancement in natural language processing capabilities. 
  • GPT4 incorporates state-of-the-art techniques to enhance its understanding and generation of human-like text. With GPT4's advancements, Albus can provide users with more accurate and contextually relevant responses and Enhance the overall user experience.

The following screenshots are the usage proofs for Albus that indicate that we use GPT4:


Token Type
  • Albus utilizes the 8k token type, which refers to the number of tokens used to represent information within the AI model. 
  • This token type allows Albus to process and analyze larger amounts of data, enabling it to handle complex queries and provide more comprehensive answers. 
  • By leveraging a higher token count, Albus can leverage a broader context and deliver more accurate responses to your questions.

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